Thursday 9 June 2016

Daniel Assouline: Why People Love Working With This CEO?

Daniel Assouline has proved to be a fine businessman. He has played a great role in setting up Upclick, an internet solutions company. Today, he may not be associated directly with Upclick, yet the work culture that he created lingers on. People are proud to say that they follow Daniel’s style of working. He has been an inspirational leader, who understands people’s moods, recognizes their talents, and motivates them in the right manner. Somehow, he seems to know what a team member wants. Incredible, isn’t it?

Making people feel comfortable

This is an inevitable quality in a good leader. Daniel agrees and also exhibits this quality. He is approachable. His employees can come to him with their problems and with an expectation that he will understand them and provide a solution. Daniel believes that to attain focus on a goal a person’s mind should be free of other things or problems. That’s why it is important to create a favorable work atmosphere so that people can put their best forward without worries clouding their minds. 

Daniel Assouline is serious about human resource management. Employees are assets for a company, and to ensure that they stay as assets, he believes in keeping them motivated. Time to time incentives, recognition, and appreciation, even for little successes, play a great role in creating a healthy, motivated environment at the workplace, where employees are passionate about achieving organizational goals. 

Passion can do great things. This can be seen in the way Upclick tasted roaring success under the CEO-ship of Daniel. He was soaked in passion to make the company a leading one in the web market. Passion ignites a burning desire to produce results. It is the steam that keeps the engine moving. 

Balancing personal and professional life

What’s a CEO without a healthy personal life? Moods affect work. The famous adage, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” is true. That’s the reason Daniel Assouline, Montreal based businessman, ensures that he balances his social life, family life, and work life. He loves the sea. Boating is his fun activity. His newly discovered passion is cooking.

He believes in spending quality time with his friends and family, just like he spends productive time at the workplace. Quality is an essential element in life. It is important to lead a ‘quality’ life rather than just survive. Daniel’s ability to do each work with interest instills life in all his activities. Whether he is cooking, boating, having fun with family, or planning a competitive strategy at the workplace, he gives his complete attention to it. 

This is what contributes to making him a successful CEO and a family man. A balanced and passion-filled life makes a person work hard and party harder. Daniel Assouline has this amazing ability to squeeze time for his work and his hobbies. This prevents frustration. This gives him a chance to hone his skills so that he can improve in various aspects of his life. Ultimately, this creates a positive impact at the workplace.